Book Review - Forever
" Forever: Why You Can't Live Without It " by Paul Tripp I bought this book at the Liberate Conference in Ft. Lauderdale. (the bookstore at the conference had me drooling all over the place!) Having gone through loss, Heaven and forever is suddenly a big topic of interest for me so the book and it's description really grabbed my attention. The book is about forever - eternity - and how our view of it impacts our lives. Most notably that we don't even think about it at all in our day to day existence. We have, as the author frequently states, "eternity amnesia". The book describes our neglect of eternity and how that neglect shapes the way we think and how we live. It was very eye-opening for me. I had no idea how vast and deep a difference having and living with a right perspective of eternity makes on your everyday life. We generally acknowledge that our understanding of forever affects our view of death and loss, but how many of us r...