Book Review - Jane Austen Sequels
I had a lot of good intentions to write on my blog more, but so far they've fallen by the wayside. Which confession makes me feel especially like Emma Woodhouse right now. Rather apropos since this post is about Jane Austen! I've recently read some "sequels", or perhaps more accurately stated as Jane-Austen-from-a-different-angle books. I quite enjoyed both of them - they were fun, light, quick reads. As I only borrowed them from the library, I think I will have to watch out for them in the bookstore sometime so I can have them to re-read them at will later. Anyway, without further ado - here are the reivews: Mr. Darcy's Diary by Amanda Grange Amazon link I wasn't sure what to expect when I picked up this book. I've seen a lot of both really positive and really negative reviews. As to whether someone will like it or not, I think it really boils down to your expectation. We all have our own opinions, ideas, and expectations for exactly...