George Mueller
Now, if I, a poor man, simply by prayer and faith, obtained, without asking any individual, the means for establishing and carrying on an Orphan House: there would be something which, with the Lord’s blessing, might be instrumental in strengthening the faith of the children of God, … but still the first and primary object of the work was (and still is), that God might be magnified by the fact, that the Orphans under my care are provided all they need, only by prayer and faith, without any one being asked by me or my fellow-labourers, whereby it may be seen, that God is FAITHFUL STILL, AND HEARS PRAYERS STILL.The above is a quote from George Mueller's autobiography "A Million and a Half in Answer to Prayer". (pg. 81 to be precise, emphasis is original) George Mueller was a man of great, abiding, unshakable faith in God. It amazes me how his faith remained so strong in the midst of all the many and varied trials his ministry went through. What a godly legacy he has left behind! As I was skimming through quotes I typed down from his book, I also realized how highly he valued the Word of God. Not just as something to read, but to pour over and continually meditate upon. His faith was simple yet profoundly assured, and resulted in a life of beautiful faith and confidence in God that has reached the hearts of people around the world.
See, Christian reader, what it is to trust in God; really to depend on Him; and if you have never done so before, begin this blessed life at once, this unspeakably blessed life, of rolling all your burdens upon God, and of leaving them there. I have known the blessedness of this life, for many a long year, and even whilst yet in the body, it has brought the joys of heaven into my soul.
“If I were asked to write Brother Muller’s life I should say, he brought everything to God, small and great, temporal and eternal, and brought God into everything.” Robert ChapmanWhat a wonderful thing to have said about your life! And what an example this great man of God has left behind for us. May his example challenge and encourage us on to greater surety of faith and trust in our faithful God!
Who are some people who have challenged and inspired your faith?
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